This season offers the opportunity to experience the birth of “Christ Consciousness”: unity with the presence of Spirit in all creation. Jesus the Christ had attained that perfected state of consciousness- as have many other saints and masters. The teachings of yoga, in fact, tell us that each of us is on a journey toward that state of awareness.

Paramhansa Yogananda talks about different steps we can take toward Christ Consciousness. Here are suggestions – offered by Jyotish and Devi Novak (spiritual directors of Ananda), and based on Yogananda’s teachings- of ways we can deepen our experience of that presence during the holidays:

1) The Social Way- Deepen your love for your friends and family by sharing with them more than just nice presents and social gatherings. Meditate on each of your dear ones and try to bless the soul qualities they are trying to express. See them as their own highest self and pray during this holy season that the true gifts of God can be theirs.

2) The Way of Expanded Sympathy -Offer the impersonal love of God to everyone, those whom you don’t know, or perhaps to whom you’ve hardened your heart. Maybe it’s the grumpy neighbor down the street, or the angry person at work, but find someone whom others have a difficult time accepting, and do something to make them feel that God loves them.

3) The Metaphysical Way- Yogananda recommended that we celebrate Christ’s birth with a long meditation…try to set aside a time and place, with a few others if possible, when for several hours you dedicate yourself to communing with the Christ Consciousness.

If you practice these steps, you’ll find a new spirit entering your life, blessings you and all those around you. Then the universal love and intelligence which is called the Christ Consciousness will truly be born on earth in the manger of your self-offering, humility, and devotion.