Surfing Through Life’s Trials
Ananda’s current Spiritual Director, Jyotish Novak, writes:
“We all have tests in life that are difficult, sometimes catastrophic. Over the years we have had the chance to see many people handle these trials, some with strength and grace, and others with hurt or bitterness. Here are some factors that make all the difference.
Acquire spiritual tools and learn how to use them. Just as every carpenter has a hammer and a saw, there are a few basic tools on the spiritual path that you should be using long before you need them in a crisis.
- A daily practice of meditation, the deeper the better
- A habit of filling the mind with positive thoughts and reactions
- A practice of listening to uplifting music, and mentally chanting throughout the day
- A sense of humor and the ability to laugh at life and at oneself
- A pattern of serving others. During a crisis you need to be a channel for positive energy. Otherwise the ego can turn inward toward self-pity and blame.
Develop a network of friends. People who feel connected to others have a safety net. In difficult times, especially, try to spend time with friends who are wise enough to help you see a bigger picture. Avoid, at such times particularly, those who pull your energy down or reinforce negative moods. If you feel a need to “vent,” do so with someone centered and compassionate enough not to take your words too seriously.
Strengthen your own faith in God. If you accept the simple truth that everything is an expression of God’s love, you can go through any storm. Don’t deny that challenges are happening, or even that they are difficult, but also don’t accept them only on a surface level. An understanding that difficulties come to teach, not to punish, will mean the difference between soul freedom and egoic bondage. Meditate on the question, “What is this test trying to teach me?”
…We cannot avoid life’s storms, nor should we want to if we would grow strong. But we can prepare for them, and be ready to receive the light that always follows the darkness.”
Ananda’s founder, Swami Kriyananda, offered simple yet profound wisdom on many aspects of bringing spirituality into daily life. In the short video below, Kriyananda gives thoughts on working with life’s changes and challenges: