Revelations of Christ

Date: None scheduled. You may enjoy our Yoga and Meditation for Daily Life program instead.

Cost: $130 (includes program fee and meals, lodging not included.

“How is one to try to understand the life and teachings of the great master, Jesus, whose title “the Christ” means the “anointed of God”?

This is the question posed in the Introduction to the book, Revelations of Christ: Proclaimed by Paramhansa Yogananda and presented by his direct disciple Swami Kriyananda.

Other than the “Church” and the Christian scholars, is there any other way we can come to understand these teachings. A way that is more reliable?

Yes!  Swami Kriyananda states that, although less well known, it is more reliable:  It is to live with and study under, saints who have communed directly, in deep states of ecstasy, with Christ and God.”

This is how Yogananda through Swami Kriyananda came to the clarity of understanding, by his own deep experience with Christ.

This wonderful Retreat will be led by Nayaswami Maria who is an experienced meditater and teacher at Ananda for over 40 years.  Her devotion is palpable and her sweet sincerity coupled with the practical knowledge and experience on the Spiritual path will inspire and delight you.

On This Retreat you will:

  • Be given classes in these deep teachings of Christ
  • Experience your own capacity to know Christ
  • Learn techniques to help you experience the Kingdom within