In his book Affirmations for Self-Healing, Swami Kriyananda writes:

” Enthusiasm is the spirit of joy channeled through the power of the will. If we want to know joy, we must live always in the full expectation of it. Not even earthly happiness can come to those who demand it glumly, or who work for it with their eyes to the ground. To achieve happiness, one must work with happiness. To achieve divine joy, one must be keenly enthusiastic in everything one does!”

This applies to our meditation practice as well. If your practice has become stale, January is a perfect time to engage your will and inject fresh enthusiasm!

* Could your meditation space use some help? Bring new energy in by cleaning it, replacing your altar cloth, or bringing in fresh flowers, a candle, a meaningful new focal point.

* Need fresh inspiration? Read the words of the great saints, masters and teachers to re-ignite your enthusiasm. This is a wonderful practice to use just before meditation.

* Has your meditation technique become unconcious? Next time you sit to meditate, try practicing your technique as though it were for the first time- perhaps by mentally “teaching it” to yourself or by giving concentrated, loving attention to each nuance.

* Meditate with joy (or peace, energy, love!). Don’t passively expect your practice to bring you joy- start with a joyful expectation! Paramhansa Yogananda suggested: No matter what causes it, whenever a little bubble of joy appears in your invisible sea of consciousness, take hold of it, and keep expanding it. Meditate on it and it will grow larger. Watch not the limitations of the little bubble of your joy but keep expanding it until it grows bigger and bigger. Keep puffing at it with the breath of concentration from within, until it spreads all over the ocean of infinity in your consciousness. Keep puffing at the bubble of joy until it breaks its confining walls and becomes the sea of joy. (Metaphysical Meditations, 1932 edition)

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Once you catch the wave of enthusiasm, you’ll be inspired with even more creative ways to breathe new life into your practice!