What's Happening at the Retreat

The new COVID-safe retreats, Supported Silent Retreats and Mentored Personal Retreats are helping guests find peace of mind and tranquility during these difficult times..

Online programs like Circle of Sharing  
offer support and community.

  • Durga calling people

    Durga calling people to ask how they are doing during COVID..
  • Swami Kriyananda on Meditation Retreat Holy Land

    Blessing the cabins as we clean.
  • Lallah in the kitchen

    Love is still an important ingredient in our cooking.

Solar Project Activities Underway

  • The Boys - Devamuni, Vidura, Brannon, Tyga, Matthew
    Devamuni, Vidura, Brannon, Tadhg, and Matthew getting ready to pour the cement for the new solar panel posts.
  • Solar Panels Being Installed

    New solar panels are being installed to help us sustain the power we need throughout the day and evening.
  • Old Generator
    This old generator, which has served us for many years, is now failing.  A quiet new, high-quality generator will soon replace it.
  • Inverter

    The new Inverter Room.