Whispers from Eternity, by Paramhansa Yogananda, is a beautiful book of prayer-poems or “prayer-demands” as he called them. Each one opens a window onto another facet of the Divine, and the many ways we can relate to that infinite consciousness of which we are a part. This year, many of us at Ananda are tuning into the book more deeply, meditating on one prayer each day. We asked some of our staff to share one that is inspiring them now:
Anandi: “I love how universal this prayer is!”
Cosmic Salutation (Inspired by the Bhagavad Gita, the Hindu Bible)
O Spirit, I bow to Thee in front of me, behind me, on the left, and on the right. I bow to Thee above and beneath. I bow to Thee all around me. I bow to Thee within and without. I bow to Thee everywhere, for Thou art everywhere.
Nettie: “I use this when I find I’m off balance. When I am feeling overwhelmed. And when I find I have a need to just go inward for guidance in a situation – or for pure joy!”
Demand that the Cosmic Sound lead me from ignorance to Wisdom
O Cosmic Sound of Om, guide me, be with me, lead me from darkness to light, from ignorance to wisdom, from disease to health, from poverty to prosperity, and from misery to eternal joy.
Susan: “It is wonderful for cultivating receptivity and a loving, expansive attitude. Our life here is about awakening to our true nature- and helping others to awaken to that reality too!”
Prayer at Dawn
With the opening of the earliest dawn and the lotus-buds, my soul softly opens in prayer to receive Thy light. Bathe each petal of my mind with Thy radiant rays! I saturate myself with the perfume of Thy presence, and I wait to waft with the breeze the aroma of Thy message of love to all. Bless me, that with the spreading dawn I may spread Thy love everywhere. Bless me, that with the awakening dawn I may awaken all souls with my own and bring them to Thee.
Nitai: “It teaches me how to relate to God- and my Guru, Yogananda”
Make me Silent, that I may eloquently converse with Thee
I wandered through forests of incessant searchings, and arrived at the mystery door of Thy presence. On the doors of silence I knocked loudly with my persistent blows of faith, and the doors of space opened. There, on the altar of glorious visions, I beheld Thee, resting.
I stood, with restless eyes, waiting for Thee to speak. I heard not Thy creation-making voice. At last the spell of stillness stole upon me, and in whispers taught me the language of angels. With the lisping voice of new-born freedom, I tried to speak, and the lights of Thy temple assumed sudden brilliancy and wrote letters of light.
In my little chamber of quietness, I am always resting: I never speak but with the voice of my silence. Through my silence, eloquently converse with me.
Charles:” I especially love the statement: ‘O Mother, I have done with such outward shows in Thy name. I await Thee now in the inner temple of my love.’ ”
Divine Mother, come Thyself into the waiting Temple of our Love
Divine Mother, be Thou the only flame shining on the altar of our hearts. Burn away any darkness that lurks there.
Divine Mother, be Thou the only fragrance rising with the incense of our love for Thee. Permeate any dark nook in the hearts also of those we love.
In our tears of love for Thee, wash away what attraction we feel for material objects. In our tears of communion with Thee, wash away all the sorrows of earth forevermore.
Divine Mother, unite our separate hearts into one, great love, wherein Thy omnipresence can rest forever and forever. Teach us to behold our latent perfection in the clear mirror of Thy divinity. Let the altar-flame of our love for Thee rise in triumph, shaming the little, hissing sparks of all earthly desires.
O Divine Mother, may our love be a shooting star racing gloriously through dark skies of forgetfulness, cutting its way through dark thunder-clouds of worldly preoccupation.
Divine Mother, a million distractions have come to lure us away from thoughts of Thee. Thou Thyself, in order to test us, hast offered false, substitute fulfillments: pompous temple ceremonies to satisfy the ego needs of worldly people; religious organizations shouting, ‘Salvation can come only through serving this work!’; priests and ministers offering the Gospel, ‘God will bless you if you give us money!’ O Mother, I have done with such outward shows in Thy name. I await Thee now in the inner temple of my love.
Steal softly into this silent temple, Mother! With lambent flame banish the darkness of my long ignorance, and grant me safety in Thy ever-shining bliss.
Brannon: “I really like this one because it is a great reminder to appreciate the joys and beauties of nature, but then take that deeper into a Divine understanding and appreciation of God’s presence behind everything “
Flowers and Skies, heralds of Thee
Flowers, cloud-scattered skies, and all beautiful, blossoming scenery: all these only suggest Thy divinity. I enjoy them – I revel in them!
But then they remind me of Thee. In that remembrance, these mere (though glorious) messengers vanish, and the beauty of my own beloved Infinity enthralls me.
Durga: “When I went through chemotherapy a number of years ago a good friend suggested I make a tape of favorite poems and quotes that I could play when and if things got tough. This is the one I listened to every day that kept my mind on what was really important- to stay In tune with God’s will for me.”
O Divine Sculptor, Chisel Thou my Life
Every sound that I make, let it have the vibration of Thy voice. Every thought that I think, let it be saturated with the consciousness of Thy presence.
Let every feeling that I have glow with Thy love. Let every act of my will be impregnated with Thy divine vitality. Let every thought, every expression, every ambition, be ornamented by Thee.
O Divine Sculptor, chisel Thou my life according to Thy design!
Vidura: “This helps me realize that God’s presence is within all the beauties and wonders of the phenomenal world – and within each of us.”
Demand for the opening of the Spiritual Eye, to find God in everything
My eyes are enthralled, O Father, with the beauty of earthly flowers, with life’s passing scenes, and with the sailing, silent clouds. Everywhere, all I see hints at Thy hidden presence. Open that eye in me which sees only Thee. With that gaze may I behold Thee above, beneath, all around, within, and outside me. Teach me in all things to see only Thee. Open in me that eye which beholds everywhere Thy hidden but ever subtly reigning wonder
Perhaps you would like to dip into this wellspring of inspiration too! Follow the link to read Whispers from Eternity online for free and find the one that speaks to you!