Our hearts are full of gratitude to all who have made donations to Ananda Meditation Retreat this past year. In addition to helping us to maintain affordable rates for our programs and accommodations, your generosity has helped us to manifest these projects:

*Krishna Cabin: *Extensive remodel inside, including new paint, vinyl in kitchen and new carpeting

*Shower House:  *New Flooring in several rooms * Painting, and repairs in all rooms

*New Heaters in Happiness Lodge, Peace of Mind Cabin and Devotion Cabin

*Commercial Washing Machine and Dryer purchased (and used daily!)

*New Yoga Bolsters and Yoga Mats for the temples

*New Harmonium for Temple of Joy

*Temple of Silence: Resealed steps and front landing; Freshly repainted Lotus

*Fully remodeled Outhouses for Wisdom cabin, Patience/camping area, and Monkalows (not as glamorous as some projects, but much appreciated by users!)