5:00pm Hatha Yoga and meditation
6:30pm Dinner
7:30pm Orientation and Introductions
7:00am Hatha Yoga and meditation
8:30am Breakfast
10:00am Finding Happiness: The Art of Yoga & Meditation
Noon Guided meditation
12:30pm Lunch
1:15pm Karma Yoga
2:00pm Free time to rest, read, journal, hike, contemplate, absorb
4:30pm How to Create a Daily Practice of Yoga & Meditation at Home
5:00pm Hatha Yoga and meditation
6:30pm Dinner
7:30pm Inspirational program
7:00am Hatha Yoga and meditation
8:30am Breakfast
9:30am Closing Circle Wrap-Up with Q&A
12:30pm Optional lunch ($10) at Ananda Village
Check-out is 11:00am
To get the most from your retreat, extend your visit an extra night, or arrive a day early! Check with reservations for availability.